Binary Upload Boom

My role
Full Stack Developer UI Design Usability Testing
Technologies Used
Express Node MongoDB Bcrypt Passport Mongoose Morgan Nodemon EJS Cloudinary
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Project Details

A group of developers got together to see if they could clone the functionality of Instagram. Introduce Binary Upload Boom. An app where you can create posts, comment on others users' posts or just delete anything you don't want. Want some personalization? We got that too with the ability to set your own profile photo and theme music! In this project, I learned how to set functionality based on if the user owns that data. For example, only a user can delete their own comment, while other users can only view it. I also learned how to use Cloudinary as a repository to host all multimedia content and use multer to recognize audio file types.

Technical Challenges and Solutions

  • Challenge: Understanding how data is presented to different users of the app

    Solution: For an app of this scope, it's important to map how all data is connected (ie. a user makes a post, a feed contains all of a user's posts and a user can see others post, but not their feed). Mapping makes coding easier

  • Challenge: Understanding how to use a new technology and implementing that tech in an app. In this case, Cloudinary and AudioMulter

    Solution: Read the docs and use Github to find how others have used it in their apps. Being a software engineer is not about knowing everything, it's about knowing what and how to research

  • Challenge: Working with others on the same app and handling merge conflicts

    Solution: Project planning is an important first step to any team project. This aligns the team and by assigning features to specific members, you minimize conflicts. If conflict do arise, communicate with that member to to resolve it.